
30.05.2024 16:49 Posted by Admin Soony

New edition

New edition 07/06/2024 19:00 PL TIME!


17.03.2024 12:49 Posted by Admin Soony

Closed beta-tests

More information soon. Stay tuned!

06.09.2023 17:41 Posted by Admin Soony

Server closed

Today the server has been closed. More information about the new edition soon. Stay tuned!

14.04.2023 19:17 Posted by Admin Soony

Sales & Exp rate

>> Special offer <<

Exp rate before reborn x2

The Super Transformation and Ressurection quest can be completed alone!

28.02.2023 21:17 Posted by Admin Soony


  • Pvp banalce has been changed to 1v1
  • God set is available now! You can get craft items via Shenron Dungeon

15.01.2023 22:17 Posted by Admin Soony

New edition

  • Transformations refresh for buu, cooler, vegeta, freeza and cell (krillan and shin soon) - Click here
  • Pvp balance and exp rate changes - Click here
  • Boss system changes - Click here
  • 3 new dungeons - one per craft stage
  • Map changes - old locations have been reworked
  • New monsters and significant changes to old ones
  • Little fixes in crafting
  • New possibility do exchange dungeon diamonds
  • New exps - for example new exp for flask of wine (drunked djin)

20.12.2022 16:17 Posted by Admin Soony

Reset and new edition

Server has been closed 20.12.2022.

New edition will start 13.01.23 or 20.01.23 (more info soon).

Register will be available to 23.12.2022!

31.10.2022 17:48 Posted by Admin Soony

Halloween Event

Some new Halloween changes:

  • We added 2 new Npcs on the Temple where you can get Halloween Glove, Halloween Senzu and Halloween Helmet
  • New Halloween Glove - 34atk
  • New Halloween Helmet - +25 skills & +15% ki dmg
  • New Halloween Senzu - +45k Hp&Ki
  • New event type - Halloween Wolfs on the map.
  • Double premium points to 02.11.22
  • Halloween gift on the map every 1h
  • Auto-event two times more often

26.01.2022 15:17 Posted by Admin Soony

Proxy for American players

Perfect PING and zero lags for everyone! You can choose one of the three proxy options

Europe - European players!

Brazil - Brazil palyers!

USA - American palyers!

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